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Create a blog

Boosterblog and blog creation

Boosterblog is not made to create a blog: it's a blog directory for blogs which are already existing, it provides services for both readers and writers.

Advice in order to create a blog

First of all, keep in mind that everyone will be able to read you. You must think about the fact that the whole world is still mostly unaware about you, so you should introduce yourself. You can create your profile by giving your name or nickname, your job, your age. Of course, nothing is strictly required, but do not hesit to reveal a bit of yourself, as long you are not giving your family name or where you live!

Then it will be better for you to choose to talk about something you are really into in order to keep your blog regularly updated. The frequency of your updates will create an evergrowing interest for your readers, they will grow in number once the word is out! The name of your blog is very strategic too, because it will arouse an interest, or not, for readers to click on it. Direct or mysterious, it's up to you, but dont forget it will end among thousands of other blogs!

Do things simple and clear, with a good mix between text et pictures for your readers to enjoy it. You can ask them to leave comments for your blog to become a place to share ideas. Grow in popularity and you will surely find people from various horizons sharing the same interests and passions than you ! You could, for example, some visibility trading and display on your blog the list of your friends who are blogs owners too.

With Boosterblog, you will be able to see if your blog is at the real mesure of your expectations with the votes of your visitors !

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