Gender :Male
Town :Spain
Age : 44 years old (29/06/1980)
Inscription date : 09/30/2018 18:55:04
Blogs from jorgear |
Position | Points | ||||||||
Art > The journal of Tintin | 0 | |||||||
History of Le Vingtième Siécle, the newspaper where Tintin was born in 1929. First pages, historical pages, all about this legendary belgian newspaper that published the first adventures of the belgian journalist.
Ranking Art : 2. - Published on 09/03/2020 22h29 - 648 visits |
Various > Classic Old Time Radio | 0 | |||||||
Radio that plays the most remembered old time radio shows from 1930 to 1960.
Ranking Various : 2. - Published on 07/09/2022 17h10 - 324 visits |
Music > Jam 66 Radio | 0 | |||||||
Radio qui diffuse le rock blues folk blues jazz et le plus nouveau. | |||||||||
News > JAM 66 Radio paper | 0 | |||||||
Latest News, music, webcams, entertainment and much more updated in real time. | |||||||||
News > Blog of JAM 66 Radio | 0 | |||||||
Blog of lastest News, entertainment, games, webcams, music and more updated every day. | |||||||||
Music > Fans JAM 66 Radio | 0 | |||||||
Fan blog de JAM 66 Radio, radio that plays blues, bluesrock and rock music and the newest. News about these genres and more.
Ranking Music : 4. - Published on 08/24/2023 12h20 - 219 visits |
Humor > Adam the Martian | 0 | |||||||
Read the daily comic of Adam the Martian. The architect of Mars. Fun and adventure during the ancient Mars.
Ranking Humor : 2. - Published on 02/09/2024 11h06 - 182 visits |
Music > JAM 66 Radio | 0 | |||||||
Radio that plays rock, blues, bluesrock and the newest. |